Tuesday, October 21, 2014



In almost every business success I can point to, I can credit the amount of networking I have done.

Some people shy away from meeting others in their industry and giving away what they think are their trade secrets.

I am of the opposite opinion. I don't think there are many industries out there that are based on “secrets” - well maybe Kentucky Fried Chicken, but beyond that people have succeeded because of hard work, persistence, dedication and education.

Remember, when you are talking to someone else they are talking to you as well. A smart man is one who learns from his own mistakes. An even smarter man is one who learns from the mistakes of others. Attend trade shows. Join associations. I am not saying that every association is worth joining and worth your time, but the better ones, and ones that relate to your market are.

Learn Learn Learn

The first place to educate yourself about photobooths is on the internet. Go to youtube or google photobooths. You will literally find a wealth of information. Many of the photobooth manufacturers have tons of videos that you will find very worthwhile and instructional. 

Here are just a few websites that have worthwhile blogs and other information you can learn from:

Learn everything you can about photography through seminars and courses -
Photographers have an edge on DJs with this one so you need to catch up
(of course DJs have the edge on photographers when it comes to entertainment).

If you are a DJ you will have to get yourself up to speed relatively quickly on basic photographic techniques, especially if you have not done any professional photography.

Now don't get scared – it's not that hard. I did it a couple of years ago. The most common photobooth software out there and the one I am most familiar with is Breeze. Play with the settings in Breeze and see what they do. And remember, practice makes perfect. Here are just a few things to look out for when you are trying to make better pictures:

1.             Framing
2.             Lighting and Color
3.             Motion Blur
4.             Grain (keep ISO at lowest level while ensuring adequate light)
5.             Flash – helps to keep even skin tone and focus on the face

Over time you will develop an eye for making good pictures.

Most professional photobooth companies will use DSLR cameras and DYE SUB printers – its almost mandatory – but you still need to know how to use them.


Go to as many conventions as you possibly can that relate in any way to what you are doing, especially free or inexpensive ones. I was recently leafing through a DJ Times magazine (September 2013 issue) when I came across a couple of quotes that I thought summed up just how valuable a trade show can be:

“I'm afraid that, if I'd not been exposed to some of the trailblazers and innovators who gather in Atlantic City each year, I might still be leading the Chicken Dance at backyard barbeques” - Steve Croce

“I have to use at least half my Expo time, if not more, simply networking with entertainers from all over the country. Just from idle conversation and discussing how the last year went for those guys and gals, I can extrapolate so much information about their business to see if I'm either doing things correctly or can somehow improve myself. In addition to that, it's always great to meet new people and, as I've stated in the past – seeing new entertainers come into this industry is what excites me the most because it shows that our industry is growing and I'm very proud of that.” - Adam Weitz

I sort of feel the same way about the photobooth industry – yes there may be twice as many people in it than there were 2 years ago, but the industry has also grown – the strong players will be getting a lot of business.

As in any industry – the top 20 percent make 80 percent of the money – the 80/20 rule – it has been like that for a long time and will continue to be like that for the foreseeable future.

Some of you who are reading this book may replace yesterday's leaders.

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